Site Map
The official NightDevils Clan Website
- Why am I still running this site?
- small updates to the web-design and IE Death March
- New Website Design Launched!!!
- Happy New Year 2007 to all of you
- Working on the Webdesign
News Archive
- Update: Demon Demonhearts in "Wars"
- Update: new Webdesign
- added many new screenshots!
- added a "Downloads" section
- "Friendslist" added
- "Hall of Fame" added
- Updated the "Wars" section
- NeverwinterNights 2
- Updated the "Server" section and added many screenshots
- added a "Guestbook"
- all things worked out
- New "Screenshots"
- War between LAH and ND???
- Modules
- NightDevilsX
- The Entrance
- PVP Area
- Reduced Lag PVP Area
- Clone Area
- Mortal Kombat
- Hell
- NightDevils Members Area
- NightDevils Council
- Sunset
- Dark Wishes
- Love Shack
- The Park
- The Park PT2
- The Park PT3
- The Park PT4
- Beach
- Baths
- Comedy Central
- Prison
- Punishment Area
- Chillout Area
- Labyrinth
- Base
- Macs and Raynas Hideout PT1
- Macs and Raynas Hideout PT2
- Macs and Raynas Hideout PT3
- Raynas Garden
- Raynas Place
- Heaven - Hall of Fame
- The Graveyard of the Outcasts - Hall of Shame
- Items
- NightDevilsX
- Scripts
- Tools
Hall of Fame
- Azazel
- Calvijn Caijn
- CandyMan
- Carlota Evanese
- Crystal Jady'svarine
- Ded1O1
- Dozer
- Gwydion
- Isythos Diabolus
- Kaine
- MacGeneral
- Melphis
- Modred
- Rage
- Rayna Silverwing
- Rei Hasegawa
- Scar
- Short One
- Summit Silverspeed
- T3k
- Vinlaell
- Ace of Spades
- Aeris Silverwing
- Akira
- Alex
- AliaIs
- Amir
- Angel Bunny
- AnNa Hawkins
- AnnA Strong
- Aphrospice
- Arcana
- Arwen
- Astris Kanae
- Azazel
- Bane aka Exile
- Black Zero
- Blade Master
- Blaze aka Freeze
- Blythe
- Calvijn Caijn
- CandyMan
- Carlota Evanese
- Cassandra
- Chandra
- Chane
- Chaos
- Cheric
- Chika
- Clayman
- Core
- Crystal
- Crystal Jady'svarine
- Dante
- Dark Angel
- Dark Shadow
- DarkFox aka Greyfox aka Vivec
- Darkness
- Darth
- David Malkavian
- Ded 1o1
- Dekular
- Dennis Mastropietro
- Deomi
- Destroyer Dav
- Destruction
- Devil
- Devin aka Sexy Vampire
- Dozer
- Drakien
- Drogrigrin
- Edward
- Elraviel
- Elvorfiwien
- Erick
- Fade
- Fade Malkavian
- Flair
- Forge
- g0d
- Ghanderital
- Giline
- Girik
- Glen
- Greon
- Gwydion
- Hert Lyonard aka Pett Hall
- Ian
- Ice Star
- Isillirin
- Isythos
- Jacia Mard
- Jen
- JinX
- Kadalanya
- Kaine
- Kaldra
- Kayla
- Kesha
- Ketta
- Kiara Campbell
- Kicky
- Klauth
- Kronos
- Kronos
- Lanser
- Leah
- Lenth Moonsher
- Levitate
- Lillia
- Lone Wolf
- Lord Valis
- Lyonaler
- Marry aka Godion
- Marshall
- Melphis
- Merem
- Mike DeCarlo
- Mina
- Mitch
- Modred
- monk monkey
- Natasha Nevea
- Nights
- Orlendo
- Osiris
- PadFoot
- Padril Wend
- Rage
- Ralimyr
- Ranger
- Raven
- Raven
- Rayna Silverwing
- Rayne
- Razor
- Rebecca
- Reed
- Rego
- Rei Hasegawa
- Ricky
- RIJN aka Draco
- Rodon
- Ruli
- Rumago
- Saikin
- Scar
- Seifer Ultima
- Senna
- Sezan
- Shakira
- Shia
- Shin Aren
- Shiram
- Short One
- Silvera
- Sky
- Sora
- Spite
- Stephanie
- Stoffy
- Stratusphere
- Summit Silverspeed
- T3k
- Tal Hawkins
- Tales
- Tara aka Shannon
- Taryn Lanneseph
- Terent
- Thadeous Cain
- The Inquisitor
- The Shadow
- Tonks
- Tott
- Trish
- Urgor
- Vampire Hunter D
- Veernah
- Vi-Haan aka Myrthia
- Vinlaell
- Winry
- Winsome
- Zak
- Zoll
- After the drinking party...
- Anna on taryns lap
- Crazy Drinking Party
- Edward getting a B*owJob
- Edward getting a B*owjob (2)
- Edward in a thong
- Elraviel giving Winsome ...
- Elraviel giving Winsome ... (2)
- Everyone Pile on
- Fire works at T and D's Wedding
- Flaming Chair
- Floating 2
- Gang Rape
- Incognito
- Kaldra and his female counterpart...
- Kaldra and his girlfriend
- Kaldra getting his head choped off...
- Kaldras Bones
- Lightsaber Fighter
- Kaldra and Mike (1)
- Kaldra and Mike (2)
- Elraviel and Mike (1)
- Elraviel and Mike (2)
- Kaldra and Mike looking ...
- Kaldra and Mike
- Kaldra and Mike (2)
- Zak and Mike... (1)
- Zak and Mike... (2)
- Zak and Mike... (3)
- Summit, Mike and Calvijn (1)
- Summit, Mike and Calvijn (2)
- Dead Mike
- Throne Party
- Exploding Kaldra
- Mike floating
- Mike, Kaldra and Kals GF on a Throne
- Kaldra, Mike and Kurt
- Mike is getting old ;)
- Midget Mafia
- Sunbaths or ...
- Mikes head getting cut off
- Nights - how sexy
- Riding B*tch Armor
- Summits Swinger Server
- The Swords of Brotherhood
- The three golden stuges
- Tinia and Denza at their wedding
- Vi-Haan
- Winsome Giving Elraviel ...
- Anna Getting Pierced by Rei
- Carlota and Crystal getting it on
- Spanking Hands
- Mike, Rage and Carlota
- Thrones are Evil :p
- Call it Dwarf molestation
- Shisha Rajin
- Retarded Cyber XXX
- Retard #2
- Kaines Place
- Dragon Photo Shooting
- I miss this bug :)
- We forgot to pay for the photo ^.^
- ... yes I really do
- Devil Mac Cry ;)
- Its just Pixels
- The Park
- The Park (2)
- The Park (3)
- The Park (4)
- MacGeneral
- Gayness :p
- MacGeneral spitting fire
- Noob Sit Spam
- Rage and Mac praying for Demon
- Stoned Noob
- Stoned Noob (2)
- Stoned Noob (Sin ^.^) (3)
- Getting Stoned
- Getting Stoned (2)
- Getting Stoned (3)
- Getting Stoned (4)
- The Council
- Magic Mac
- Magic Mac (2)
- Magic Mac (3)
- ND Row
- Throne Train
- T3k shouldn't see this :)
- Lillia
- DM Clientness ;)
- DM Clientness (2)
- Carlota, Crystal and Mac
- Pillory
- Scar & Mac
- Scar & Mac (2)
- Scar & Mac (3)
- Balorspamming
- Balorspamming (2)
- Balorspamming (3)
- Balorspamming (4)
- Dead People?
- Akira & Mac = <3
- Akira & Mac = <3 (2)
- Akira
- Akira <3 Barkeep
- Akira <3 Barkeep (2)
- Damn Hippies
- Darthy the Bear
- Guitarlesson #1
- Kissy!?
- Akira <3 Gaylove
- Park
- Rage
- Razor in shorts
- Razor whipping
- Statues
- Teddy
- Woi
- Woi (2)
- 32 People in Mikes Server
- Aliais and T3ks Wedding
- All dressed up
- B*owjob from the Scribe
- Bombs
- Detached Head
- Dragon Attack