Demon Demonheart

I don't know whether to place this guy in the comedy central or here.

Demon is the greatest retard I have met in my whole life so far.

First the thing he did with my items as mentioned at the ID Part and then he did something even more retarded...

Shelly Kool

he pretended to be a girl named Shelly but forgot that his behavior stays the same.

Shelly is like Demon always crying for attention... the best thing "she" did though was telling Akira once "remember back in the days when I was Demon..." which can only be topped by her story about having leukemia so that "she" needs a blood-transfer or dies.

Ok that is not funny so far and I heard alot of made up stories in NWN already but this story is not over yet: "She" said that the transfer is going to take place at her home (oh yes Im "sure" every half sane doctor would do that) and that her neighbor will be online shouting news about the progress at Diablo PVP.

The whole transfer took only 30 minutes and besides exchanging the whole blood so fast the doctor did nothing...
Yea life is hard being retarded, but next time he should maybe inform himself about things he pretends to have: Leukemia and how Dialysis works.

Other Characters he pretended to be

There are other funny stories about Demon/Shelly but its a too long to list and it always follows the same scheme... Once he pretended to be his real life sister (who doesn't exist because he has none) and was saying things like "Oh I'm so cold, hug & warm me" all the time to get attention and when we suspected her to be Demon and told him that it took Demon only 10 seconds to login with his character to tell us that we are wrong and that he forbids his sister now to play NWN, because she ruins his name. (I'm "sure" again that it would have taken way longer to switch characters if it was actually 2 people, lol). He was banned for some time then and  he first denied it for some days, but when he saw that the proof was too strong he told me that it all was a lie and that he has no sister in real life etc.

Demon is able to beat all ND Members...

... except MacGeneral, Rei, CandyMan, Girik, Akira and some others who were at Diablo when he said that. Because when we asked him to duel to prove his statement, MacGeneral kicked his ass 3 times in a row. But Demon didn't want to leave it that way so he started attacking randomly other ND Members around so in the end he got killed like 10 times in a row and killed no one (and all of those duels were fair). But at some point it got disturbing after he always wanted to re-duel with another character and lost over and over again. So at this point we attacked him all at once and made him leave Diablo PVP for some hours...

Combined I can say that Demon is a real retard and even if he pretends to have quit NWN he still plays as Shelly...

Also check out the "Retarded Cybersex Screenshots" with Demon and a lady in red... :p

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