Just to make things clear:
the NightDevils are NOT in war with LAH, never were and never will!
I got many friends in LAH and whoever tells anything else is a fucking lier!
I was not informed by anyone of this war (and Im not in NWN lately) but just to point things out:the NightDevils are NOT allied with The Philosophers and we never talked about being allied!I just helped Fox with this website which was a personal thing but Im canceling this help now!the NightDevils are NOT in war with LAHnever were and never willthe NightDevils are allied with LAHI, as NightDevils Leader was NOT informed of anything by the side of PS so it smells like a Plot to me...Whenever one of the PS members or anyone else says anything about "ND is in war with LAH" again, Im going to end this war personally by stomping PS into the ground!